Common mistakes that make a swimming pool non-compliant

November 30, 2020by [email protected]0

Pool compliance is a stringent code that needs to be taken very seriously. Sadly, there are too many deaths in pool-related injuries that could have been avoided each year, which is why pool fence safety compliance is so important.

Under current pool fencing legislation, you need to register your pool with your local council. Through this registration, your pool is required to have a compliance certificate issued regularly. If your pool is non-compliant and a compliance certificate cannot be issued, pool owners can be liable for large fines.

Some common mistakes occur while setting up your pool; however, you can easily avoid them. Here are five mistakes that you can easily avoid while ensuring your pool is compliant.

#1 Non-regular pool fence maintenance

#2 Old pool fence, old safety standards 

poolside safety

#5 A lack of correct safety signage

Do you and your family know CPR? Even if you do, are you going to remember all the steps in an emergency? All pool enclosures are required to have a CPR sign hanging within the pool area, easily visible from all locations. Taking a few minutes to secure a sign within your enclosure can make the difference between being compliant and non-compliant.
Make sure your sign is current and endorsed by a reputable first aid company such as St John’s Ambulance Services. If you don’t have one already, speak to your local pool fencer or pool shop and purchase one today.



Avoid these simple mistakes to keep your pool fence compliant and have it ready for use all year round. If you are unsure about whether your pool fence is compliant, speak to the team at Pool Barrier Services. Our dedicated team has the knowledge to assist you and are always happy to help. 

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